Setting up Java Environment Variables for

Nope I'm not switching to the dark side but as Softare Engineers and Architects we need to able to solve real world problems with different languages and frameworks which suit the context and constraints we are dealing with.

Given I haven't found a decent performance testing framework in .Net, I've been using both for NodeJS projects and in most cases I've been using for others. is a Scala based Perfomrance testing framework and altough Node and the framework are pretty easy to setup, the graphing support in is far supperior. I've been using this as the default perf test setup as a result.

This post is just setting up some environment variables you need of Java and Scala on Windows to be able to perf and stress test applications.

If you're going to use the Scala Built Tool (SBT) then use these instructions:

  1. Install JRE and JDK
  2. Set JAVA_HOME to install path of JDK
  3. Add JDK bin directory to path (default path is C:\PROGRAM~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_162)
  4. Install Scala Build Tool (SBT) and add it to your path.

And that's it.

If you're going to use Maven follow these instructions:

  1. Install JRE and JDK
  2. Set JAVA_HOME to install path of JDK (if installing in default location C:\PROGRAM~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_162, remember to usethis naming convention with the path as Maven doesn't like spaces in the paths.
  3. Add JDK bin directory to path (default path is C:\PROGRAM~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_162)
  4. Install Maven
  5. Set M2_HOME MAVEN_HOME to point to your Maven Home.
  6. Add the Maven bin directory to your path.

And that's it.

I'll create more posts in future on and but for now this is it. Enjoy!