Resharper not working for one solution.

I had a small but annoying problem recently with just one Solution in Visual Studio 2017 (VS) with Resharper (2018.2.3).

Resharper not working for one solution.

I had a small but annoying problem recently with just one Solution in Visual Studio 2017 (VS) with Resharper (2018.2.3). Reshaper shortcut keys simply would not work. For example "alt + Enter". Other solutions were working as expected with the shortcut keys but one solution simply would not.

I was working with dotnet core cli templates at the time and I had a template project installed locally. After I'm finished with the template I create an actual project out of it on the cli, sadly this is where my mistake happened.

I gave this new project the same name as the template project and as a result Resharper got "confused" between the two when referencing the local cache it builds up for the projects. This took a while to figure out. Clearing the cache for Reshaper in it's menu in VS didn't actually delete the cache in my local AppData. I had to go delete that manually [1]. After I deleted it and reopend VS, all was solved.

You can find the path to the AppData folder for Resharper here =>


And you should see multiple folders that prefixed with the name of the VS solutions. Delete the misbehaving solution and you're done.

